This is not a diet.
Diets suck. Even hearing the word just depresses me. I won’t ever diet again. You don’t have to either!
Everything you need to know.
Hi, I’m Swan. No, my name isn't really Swan. That’s usually the first thing people ask. But it has been my nickname since I was a little kid. Anyway, I have been overweight my entire life. I've struggled to try and lose weight since around 5th grade. It wasn't until I turned 30 that I found what actually worked for me. I've tried EVERY DIET UNDER THE SUN. Nothing worked. I always ended up getting frustrated and giving up. Having had so much experience with dieting, I finally realized I CAN'T DIET! That is when the SWAN project began. I overhauled my life in every aspect and created a perfectly comfortable, natural way to lose weight, exercise and have a positive, empowered mindset all at the same time. My journey is far from over. Join me and we can change our lives together!